Tired of Copying Leads from LinkedIn and Recruiter Into Excel Spreadsheets?
If yes "LinkedIn Recruiter Extractor" is the right choice saving your valuable time and money. LinkedIn and LinkedIn Recruiter sites are the best source of contact information of professionals worldwide with 400 million users and extensive targeting capabilities to allure advertisers. You can approach Physicians to freshly baked food providers listed on LinkedIn in through our LinkedIn Recruiter Extractor.If your product is particularly useful for community e.g selling surgical apparatus to hospitals you can get contact information of the Administrators rightly divided up by category on LinkedIn. Simple searches in your field will reveal thousands of experts, service providers and potential clients. LinkedIn Lead Extractor will help you to extract that data within minutes.

LinkedIn Recruiter Extractor Main Features
Extract Leads
LinkedIn Recruiter Extractor can extract your targeted customer's LinkedIn contact information and complete profile.
Recruiter Account Support
It can extract your targeted customer's data from LinkedIn as well as LinkedIn Recruiter.
Keyword based searching
Recruiter Extractor searches your targeted customers based on your search keywords.
Advance Search
Using LinkedIn Advanced search feature, search for people by keywords, industry, location, company, experience level, and more.
Auto-save and Recovery
Sometimes computer/software shut-downs unexpectedly; don't worry you can recover your search results just by one click.
Save Viewed Profiles History
LinkedIn Recruiter Extractor has the ability to save the history of viewed and saved profiles so that already saved profile should not view again.
Delay Option
Options to set fixed or random delay between requests to simulate as a human being is surfing in a browser.
Unicode Support
LinkedIn Recruiter Extractor support Unicode character-set. You can save fetched search results in Unicode format.
Internet Failure Detector
LinkedIn Recruiter Extractor automatically pauses/resumes on internet failure during processing.
Contacts Filtering
You can also apply filters to get your targeted contact list.
Export Data
Software provides options to save extracted data in EXCEL format, .CSV files (Opens in EXCEL), TAB delimited (.txt files) format.
Why Use LinkedIn Recruiter Extractor?
LinkedIn has been creating buzz in social media circles for many years now, however many businesses are yet to fully capitalize on this remarkable tool for their online marketing and promotional needs. LinkedIn Recruiter Extractor is the best tool to get contact information from LinkedIn and Recruiter according to your business needs.Why Use Recruiter
Sales prospecting is now easier. LinkedIn Recruiter helps you find the right prospects, fast. With LinkedIn,s sophisticated algorithm, this sales tool gives you lead recommendations that are tailored to you. Easily save leads and follow updates of your prospects to turn cold calling into warm conversations.Something about what is LinkedIn?
This might appear a rather simplistic question; however it's important to understand that LinkedIn is not merely a social network aimed for business users. Rather, it should be viewed as an online network of influential people all over the world. For most individuals, gaining contact with the most powerful people in business is one of their biggest challenges. Getting round conventional 'real-life' obstacles, LinkedIn essentially brings business people together in a new and unique way. If utilised properly, this tool can even allow the humble office junior to engage in discussion and build connections with company CEOs.Find Business Partners, Clients and Service Providers
Whatever your business objectives, LinkedIn will help you to build a network of useful contacts. Simple searches in your field will reveal thousands of experts, service providers and potential clients. If you do not personally know an individual, you may request to be introduced through a mutual contact or can send an introductory email.Recruitment
If your business is recruiting, LinkedIn can provide easy access to potential candidates. There are both paid options and those involving no financial outlay. Businesses can search for candidates that fit their required level of expertise and approach them directly, provided they are at least '2nd degree' contacts. In order to search further afield, a monthly subsciption is needed. However, even the basic or 'business' package allows users to contact any individual with a LinkedIn profile.Whatever your recruitment objectives, LinkedIn is the ideal networking site to find the connections you need to grow your business and here is LinkedIn Lead extractor to help you.System Requirements:
- Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows 2000
- Net Framework v4.0
LinkedIn has some commercial use limitations on search:
- Basic Account: 100 profiles daily. It has monthly limit as per the number of first degree connections in your account. On ending monthly limit it will not allow to extract further.
- LinkedIn Premium Account:
- Business Plus: 300 profiles daily.
- Executive: 400 profiles daily.
- Pro: 500 profiles daily.
- Recruiter Lite: 1800 profiles daily and for more safety it is better to keep daily extraction upto 1500
- Do not do continues extraction more than 3 hours.
- For reading commercial use limitations on LinkedIn click More
- LinkedIn also blocks user accounts/IP address if too many requests are fired within a certain time limit. For example 70 - 100 requests in 2 - 3 minutes therefore apply proper random delay on software settings.
- Software extracts only what LinkedIn provides.
- LinkedIn provides Email address, Phone, Website and Address for your first degree connections profiles but in case of second, and third degree connections profiles, email addresses and phone numbers will be available only if LinkedIn member has made these public. Same will apply to your out-of-network connections.
- The product may not work properly or show error if there is any change in LinkedIn.com structure.
Comments: "If you're a heavy user of Linkedin this is an excellent piece of software to gain better access to your Linkedin network. Additionally, the quality of support is excellent"